Tuesday 8 November 2016

Top DUI Lawyers in Orange County, CA

The DUI Defense Lawyers of The SoCal Law Network have the experience in dealing with these types of DUI crimes. Do not trust your Orange County DUI Injury or DUI Great Bodily Injury Case - the call you make today could make a significant impact on the outcome of your Orange County DUI case.  Being arrested for DUI can be a terrifying and confusing experience, especially in the County of Orange because the Courts are considered some of the toughest Courts in the State. Rated by "Super Lawyers", Peter F. Iocona - Attorney at Law and the Orange County DUI Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network, can guide you through this process and lead you to the best possible outcome because of their experience, knowledge and reputation.

We do not have expensive suites in high-rise corporate offices or an office on the coast in overpriced rent districts. We do not have an excessive number of staff members. We left all those things behind so we could provide clients with reasonable fees while providing more personalized attention. This allows us the opportunity to better serve our clients' needs. We answer our own phones. Every client is provided each the cell phone numbers of their lawyers - we are here to make this experience easier while also obtaining the best possible outcome to your case. Dui lawyers orange county are committed to providing clients with the type of service they desire. The only consequence of taking on fewer cases to provide this more individualized attention is that it reduces the number of cases we can take on, so if we do not feel we can help you, we will tell you.

In such cases, we could send you to someone who can help walk you through the process or we can do it for you at a reduced rate, ensuring that you still get the benefit of our nearly 50 years of combined experience to help guide you through this process. Our firm has a library of over 2000 scientific and medical articles relating to defenses in DUI cases which we use to determine whether conditions ranging from gum disease to attention deficit disorder may provide an effective defense to DUI.

It is therefore important that you find out from a DUI Specialist whether your medical condition can count in your favor in your DUI case. Some simple conditions such as the flu and/or being tested during your menstrual cycle may cause breath testing devices used in Orange County to give false readings. Some conditions such as diabetes or low sodium levels can cause a person to appear intoxicated in the total absence of either alcohol or drugs. The DUI Defense Lawyers at The Socal Law Network can provide you with a detailed DUI medical questionnaire to help us try to determine if you have any medical conditions that can assist you in successfully defending your DUI case.